2021.08.24 17:57

BNS2021.08.24 17:57

The rate of new Covid-19 cases in Lithuania has stabilised, but the number of hospitalisations and deaths from the coronavirus are still going up, according to the Lithuanian government’s latest review.

The newly infected mostly include the elderly, with people aged over 50 accounting for a quarter of all new cases in mid July. It partly explains why the number of hospital patients and deaths are not going down, analysts say.

The majority of deaths from Covid-19 were among non-vaccinated people – 209 people have died from Covid-19 since June 1, while 200 (96 percent) were not vaccinated or were partly vaccinated at the time of catching the coronavirus.

Meanwhile, 94 percent of people hospitalised since June 1 were not fully vaccinated, and 46 percent of them were under the age of 60.

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Šaltinis: LRT.LT

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